
Exhibitors can reserve their desired number of meters of tables. A reservation offers the following advantages:

  • The desired number of meters of tables is guaranteed to be available
  • Setup can begin 1 1/2 hours before the general hall opening (from 7:00 am)
  • The reserved table will be held until 8:30 am (for those arriving later)
  • Setup can more efficient because no time is lost with administration (payment, exhibitor badge, etc.) thanks to advance payment
  • The space allocation will be published on the hall plan on the internet before the Surplus Party.

If not all tables are reserved in advance, it is possible to rent table meters directly at the event from 8:30 am.

Reservations can be made as long as table meters are availavle, but no later than mid-October. After that, the final occupancy plan will be created, and the reservation documents will be sent out.

To continue providing an attractive event for all visitors and exhibitors, we ask exhibitors not to dismantle their tables at the Surplus Party before 4:00 pm.


Conditions for selling goods

By reserving table meters, you accept the conditions for selling goods.

Only items related to amateur radio (from the DIY workshop, new and used equipment, etc.) and its environment, as well as items from the IT world, are allowed to be sold. We reserve the right to remove completely unrelated materials (such as pans, clothes, food, etc.) from the hall!

Only tables will be provided, but no chairs, walls, etc. To access electricity, please bring enough cables and a bit of ham-spirit. The stability of the 230V network depends on the capabilities and needs of the OMs.



Sellers can rent market tables at CHF 20.- per meter. No further turnover fee or similar is required. The CHF 20.- is the only fee to be paid.

Admission to the Surplus Party is free for all visitors!


Ample parking is available (~750 parking spaces within a maximum of 800 meters from the hall).
The parking spaces directly at the hall are reserved for exhibitors. Access is only possible with a "Surplus Party" parking pass. These parking spaces are also subject to a fee. The parking pass only allows entry directly in front of the hall, but does not replace the necessary parking ticket.


Reservation form

With the reservation form, you can order your desired number of table meters. Please note the following for billing:

Switzerland The exhibitor resides in Switzerland or at least has a Swiss bank account. The invoice will be sent and paid electronically (e-mail / e-banking).
The parking pass and exhibitor badges will be sent by postal mail before the Surplus Party.
International The exhibitor resides abroad. To avoid bank fees, the amount will be collected in cash during the day of the Surplus Party.
The parking pass and exhibitor badges will be sent by postal mail before the Surplus Party.